Navigate Recovery Without The 12 Steps Through The Power Of Personal Development. 

For those in recovery who don't dig the 12 steps, this FREE 5-day email series will give you transformative strategies that pack a punch by showing you how to build an unshakeable foundation. Because true recovery isn't about mindlessly following a set of 'rules.' It's about  reclaiming control so you can create a life you don't need to escape from. Expect actionable insights, real-life tactics, and a fresh perspective- no dogma, no judgment, no drama.


Recovery Is Hard. 

Dumping the booze and the drugs? That's the easy part. 

Navigating the sh*t that led you there in the first place? Not so much...

Because you're not just recovering from a substance. 

You've spent a lifetime walking the streets of your own hell...

You found yourself so deep in your own self-destruction, the thought of death was easier than the thought of change. 

You don't need people to destroy you because that's the one thing you can do to yourself with vigor. 

So, no, you're not just recovering from a substance. 

You're recovering from a lifetime of self-hate, shame, trauma, anxiety, anger...

You're recovering from a life of survival...


Recovery, Healing- It's A F*ck Of A Process 

Your options are limited to 12 step programs that peddle hope, but the second you deviate from the "traditional" plan, your "support system" goes into full freak out mode and makes you feel like a sad-sack loser for "doing it wrong." 

And listen, we're not here to knock 12 step programs. If that's your chosen method and it works for you, keep doing what you're doing. 

But, if the super warm and fuzzy one-liners like: "keep it simple, stupid," "shut up and listen," "if you think you're in control, you got bigger problems," or my personal favorite, "yOu nEed a HiGheR POweR oR yOu'Ll NeVeR sTay sObErrrrrr 🥴 "


"Keep coming back it works," ISN'T working...

Let me assure you that you're not hopeless and there's nothing wrong with you.

One-size-fits-all does not work for all and it's time we acknowledge that. 

There are just as many paths to recovery as there are people. If one doesn't work, keep on searching until you find one that does and do not let ANYBODY tell you you'll fail because you're not doing it "their" way.

Your recovery is YOURS and we're not going to judge the way you choose to do it. 

We focus on self-awareness, self-acceptance, and personal development because those are the keys to creating a life you don't need to escape from. 

We're not about preaching or being cryptic; we focus on personal growth strategies that improve your life without dogma, judgment or drama. 

So, first things first-

You Are In Control Of Your Life. 


So please emphatically reject the idea that you're not...

When you repeatedly search outside yourself for answers, you give your power away...

Because YOU are the expert in YOU.

You know what you want. You know what you need. You know who you are. You know your truths. You know your triggers...

Discovering these truths *for yourself* is a process that will pay off forever. 

It's self-awareness through self-exploration. 

You do the work once and get the ROI for a lifetime. 

What Does It Look Like?

It's about making peace with your past and shaping a future that resonates with who you truly are.

It's about being unavailable for your own bullsh*t. 

It's about choices – saying yes to what's right for you and no to what's not.

It's about personal power and your ability to steer your life in any direction you want it to go. 

It's about developing skills to get your needs met and putting healthy boundaries in place. 

It's about uncovering your values and allowing them to lead you.

It's about being honest with yourself and others above all else.

It's about building a solid foundation...

And that's what we do at Unconventional Recovery. 

So, If You're Ready For Something Different...

Hit the sign-up button below to join our 5-day straight-shooting, personal development power-up.


If you're looking for additional support, tap the link below to join our FB group-

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We're here to guide, not prescribe. We are not medical professionals; seek appropriate professional help as needed throughout your recovery process.